Andrew is my rock, my inspiration, the most fantastic father and my best friend. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect husband and I am so thankful that we found each other six years ago in Morocco. Today is our third wedding anniversary, and I am filled with more love and appreciation for Andrew than I ever have been. Words cannot express how I feel about this man, but I can say that he has brought more romance, laughter, family and love into my life than I ever thought a person could have, and for these reasons I feel like the luckiest woman alive.
Our wedding day was magical. The wedding was beautiful and we were surrounded by friends and family who traveled from all over the country to be with us and to celebrate the beginning of our life together. Since I’m a photographer and I absolutely adore weddings, today wouldn’t be an anniversary without taking a trip down memory lane and looking through our wedding photos. Here are a few of my favorites from that special day:
Andrew’s sister, my Matron of Honor, was 8-months+ pregnant with our sweet niece Samantha. This was a spontaneous photo that we decided to snap right before we ran to the reception, and it ended up being one of my favorites. There is so much joy and excitement in this image that I can’t help but smile every time I see it.
In case you were wondering, our good friend Christopher Stashuk took our wedding photos. He’s the head of the art department and the lead photographer for the most awesome web and marketing company in the South, Aristotle.