Emma-Kate loves butterflies, so I thought it would be fitting to dress her up as a butterfly for Halloween this year. She seemed excited about the idea, so I gave myself a pat on the back and ordered the costume with the help of my Mom. After a few days of seeing Halloween decorations and cartoons, Emma-Kate started to get really excited about the idea of dressing up and going Trick-Or-Treating. She told everyone she saw about the pumpkins and the blow-up Halloween decorations we have in our yard. What does the adult say in response? “Oh, how exciting! What are you going to be for Halloween?” Emma-Kate’s response? “A monster!” Oy.
So, we convinced her that she could be a monster butterfly, and that seemed to keep a smile on her face….until she got a kitty mask. So her once adorable butterfly outfit has now morphed into a scary monster kitty cat butterfly costume. Gotta love this girl!!
We did our candy hunting early this year and I have a few photos to share!
She’s not a particularly scary monster, now is she?
Did I mention that I have the best husband in the world?? I don’t know another man who could pull off a butterfly costume the way this guys does.
Creative just like her Momma! EK is growing up so fast! She’s beautiful! Loved this story!