My, my how time flies. It completely baffles me that EK turns ONE in a month! My little peanut has turned into a big girl who eats string cheese, drinks out of a sippy-cup, toddles about the house on her own and is babbling up a storm. I really had no idea how quickly she would grow from a beautiful baby into an amazing little person with boundless energy and insatiable curiosity. Here’s to one more month of babyhood before she is officially a toddler!
Life seems to be a bit of a blur these days, but there’s always a piece of clarity in the day when Emma sits still long enough to
give me some good eye contact that makes my heart swell
Emma-Kate loves to ‘read!’
Here are some shots of Emma-Kate with her super awesome cousin, Samantha.
… two simply beautiful girls, two decidedly different personalities … same family ! Best friends forever …
Personal fave: those ‘lil piggies sticking out from under Emma’s dress !
Happy 11 months beautiful girl! You are precious! And the Deimel girls are soooo jealous of your fabulous hair (just like mommy:))!!